Founder, Author, Speaker, Entertainer

Founder, Author, Speaker, Entertainer
Woman Beautiful, Amanda Schwab ~ Founder, Author, Speaker, Entertainer - Helping you fight the good fight of faith as you embrace the woman you are created to be!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Know Your Body

The word says that, "All things work together for the good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28), and I believe that firmly! If it weren't for PMS, I may have gone through life letting the inappropriate behavior of others just roll off my back. But because the difficulties of life were amplified during certian times of the month, it moved me to cry out to God and seek his help, healing and change in others but especially in myself. There's not too much worse than acting like an idiot rather than a loving wife, mom or friend.

page 154-155

Beauty Tip: Spend time in fasting and prayer each week.

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