Founder, Author, Speaker, Entertainer

Founder, Author, Speaker, Entertainer
Woman Beautiful, Amanda Schwab ~ Founder, Author, Speaker, Entertainer - Helping you fight the good fight of faith as you embrace the woman you are created to be!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Rest...Revive, Rejuvenate, Replenish!

“And He said to them, ‘Come away by yourselves to a lonely place and rest a while.’ (For there were many people coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.)” (Mark 6:31)

Life is full! So full sometimes, that we don’t even have time to eat. This is how it was at this particular time in Jesus’ ministry. There were so many people coming and going with the need of being ministered to, both physically and spiritually, that He and His disciples had not taken the time to eat. Jesus implored them to “Come away by themselves to a lonely place to rest for a while.”

Doesn’t that sound marvelous ¾ rest for a while? How many of you hard working career women, wives, and mothers can relate to not taking the time to eat because you just have to much to do? As a young wife and mom I didn’t need a break very often, but an hour or two a week did wonders for me. As a wife and mother of teenagers, I still didn’t need a break very often, but a couple hours a month certainly helped my attitude. As a wife and mother of young adults, and with many grandchildren and my own aging mother, I still don’t need much time away but a few hours every couple of months is quite nice.

It is no wonder the Lord commanded us to “keep the Sabbath holy,” setting it apart for worship and rest. That one day each week, if managed properly, is enough to rejuvenate us, making us mentally and physically ready for the coming week. Rest…sweet rest. Too many of us think that a golf game on Sunday afternoon is rest, or that driving to a neighboring town for lunch with friends and community group after church is rest. Or perhaps spending the afternoon near the pool playing with family and friends is rest. The reality is, those things are recreation and are not intended to refresh us. In fact, most of us say that we are more tired or just as tired on Monday as we were on Friday at 6 o’clock when the work week was complete. (Or at 6:00 on Saturday depending on the length of your work week.) It is because we didn’t take at least one day where all we did was rest.

Many men use Sunday afternoon to get their yard work done. Reality is, if they would work until dark one or two nights a week in order to get the yard work done and then rest on Sunday, they would indeed be refreshed, replenished and rejuvenated for the coming week. Therefore, accomplishing more the next work week with a well rested mind and body then they would have. I was the typical wife and mom who worked everyday of the week. There was just always so much to do at home. And on the occasions when I worked part time, my work load at home still had to be completed. After our kids were all grown and living on their own, I announced to my husband, “I’m not doing anything on Sunday. Nothing. Not one thing. I’m not cooking. I’m not cleaning. Nothing.” He gestured with a grunt and said, “Okay?” I simply told him that the Lord commanded us to take a day of rest and I was going to. After all, I figured if He worked six days and then rested on the seventh day, then there must be something to that command. No more would I be working on Sunday. It is one of the best decisions, for myself, that I have ever made. A decision I wish I would have made many, many years ago. Like you, I work very hard. I used to work hard seven days a week. Now I only work hard six days a week.

Rest, doing nothing, but relaxing; thinking of nothing except that which brings peace and releases stress is what replenishes us. I want to encourage you to do what is necessary to take Sunday off…completely. Doing no “work.” This might mean preparing Sunday’s meals on Saturday and using paper plates and cups and plastic forks for your Sunday meals. It might mean saying “no” to a few unnecessary things throughout the week. And, it might mean letting go of a some unrealistic expectations, especially those you hold for yourself. Leaving one load of laundry to fold on Monday, does not make you a bad woman. But, God’s guaranteed promise to replenish you, by worshiping Him and then resting on Sunday, will definitely make you a better one.

In order to be most effective for God, family, career, or ministry, you must rest regularly. You are Woman Beautiful…you can do it!
Love and blessings to you,

Beauty Tip: Look at your schedule for next week. Make necessary changes in order to be able to make Sunday a day of rest. Do this every week. Until it becomes natural for you to rest on Sunday. (Or whatever day of the week you have available.)

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