Founder, Author, Speaker, Entertainer

Founder, Author, Speaker, Entertainer
Woman Beautiful, Amanda Schwab ~ Founder, Author, Speaker, Entertainer - Helping you fight the good fight of faith as you embrace the woman you are created to be!

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Marital Bed, Remade

Today on Lucy Ann Moll's Sisterhood of Beautiful Warriors show we talked about sex: boldly. I hope that I have encouraged both the Christian woman and the non-Christian woman. It's my goal to not only help you enjoy the amazing gift of sex that God has given you and your husband but to also bless you and encourage you in marriage -- growing it into a marriage that withstands the storms of life -- making it rock solid!
It is true, 5o% of all marriages end in divorce. It's my prayer that your marriage will be listed in the statistic of the half that make it. Please leave me a comment about today's show. I really want to hear from you.
If you'd like to order a signed copy of my book please go to: - go to the page labeled SERVICES and scroll down to the bottom of the page; then follow the ordering directions.
Love and Blessings, Amanda

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sex, Submission & Spirituality: The Things Men Really Need To Know

It is FINISHED! I hope to have my newest book in stores by winter 2011. I wanted to include a few brief excerpts from it. Please give me some feed back.
"One of Woman Beautiful's main goals is to love her man wholly: without reservation or fear in any area of their marriage. Although she knows that sex holds the second and sometimes first place position on his priority list, it only ranks about sixth, maybe even seventh or eighth, on her list of priorities. It's not that she doesn't love you, it's that she doesn't necessarily love sex." (This is part of the preface/introduction.)
"Outlined in the following chapters are what Woman Beautiful believes to be misconceptions held by her man. These misconceptions are not a reflection on his manhood, only on his knowledge and understanding of women and the differences God created between them." (This too is part of the preface/introduction.)
Sex: Misconception #1: Sex Is the Most Important Aspect of Marriage: "Because sex is so prominent in a man's needs, he sometimes gets it confused with respect. Therefore desiring sex often from his wife is, in his heart and mind, an outward expression of her respect toward him."
Misconception #2: We Can't Have A Good Marriage Without Having Good Sex: "Sadly, many women have experienced negative behavior in the area of sex. To tell her that good sex determines a good marriage grieves her at best."
Misconception #3: If You Love Me You Will Want to Have Regular Sex With Me: "It is safe to say that every man wants his wife to desire him in a red-hot kind of way. Unfortunately, the stress and strain of everyday life inhibits this loving feeling in women. Even though it was her desire prior to and just after marriage, it is more than likely that somewhere along the way, it was lost. Those differences I mentioned in the previous section move her from wanting you to wanting you to leave for a few days just to give her a break; to afford her the opportunity to simply be who she is and do what she wants to do without be concerned with trying to please her husband."
Submission: Misconception #4 To Submit Is To Do Exactly What I Say -- Without Question: "Submission is far more than doing exactly what you say. Heeding your every command is belittling at best. God united you two, giving you the command to become one flesh: one mind; one purpose; one dream; one destiny. Together with one goal: 'to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your strength and your neighbor as yourself,' (Mark 12:30-31, NAS). God has purposed both of you to love him with all your being and each other selflessly. And through that love others well. If your woman lives her life feeling like the hired hand, sex toy, entry doormat or cook/cleaning woman, then rest assured that submission is a very bad and negative word in her vocabulary."
Misconception #5: Submitting Means Becoming Who You Think She Needs To Be: "One of the most difficult obstacles women encounter in marriage involves being constantly molded and shaped into what her husband thinks she ought to be. Nothing disheartens a wife more than not being accepted for who she is."
Misconception #6: Submit No Matter Who It Might Hurt or Neglect: "Your woman truly loves you and wants to submit to you. In fact, it is by her Divine design that she longs to submit, especially to you. She cannot, however, if submitting goes against everything that she believes is best for her marriage, her children and herself. If submitting goes against God, her family and those things that are important to her, you will find yourself living with a woman who has become, or is in the process of becoming, bitter and angry; a woman full of hurt, resentment and unforgiveness."
Spirituality: Misconception #7: The Spiritual Side of Our Relationship is Insignificant In The Big Scheme of Things: "I truly believe that the lack of spiritual guidance in the home is the most detrimental of all behaviors toward the family: any family in any home. Husbands and fathers are berated in television sitcoms. They are made to look weak and mindless. Many sitcoms portray them as lazy losers who are incapable of providing for their family. Mom's rule the roost by making the decisions, thinking for the man of the house, and rearing children apart from and often times in direct opposition to his input, wishes or instruction."
Misconception #8: I Have to Make Her Become More Spiritual: "It is indeed your job to help your wife grow spiritually. It begins with accepting her where she's at and loving her in spite of her level of spiritual maturity. If you truly love and honor God and want your wife to be intimate with him, then pray for her. Encourage her without passing judgment. Make it easy for her to participate in women's events. Know and understand her deepest needs and desires and build on those."
Misconception #9: I Have To Make Her Less Spiritual: "I've found in many marriages that one half of the unit is usually far more connected to God than the other half. I've also found that men are more intimidated by women who are more spiritually mature than they are. God's purpose for you as a united team is to bring glory to him and invaluable productivity to your one-flesh relationship."
These excerpts barely scratch the surface of my newest book for men. I hope this little book says to men those things that we women have had difficulty saying to them.
Love and Mega Blessings, Amanda