Founder, Author, Speaker, Entertainer

Founder, Author, Speaker, Entertainer
Woman Beautiful, Amanda Schwab ~ Founder, Author, Speaker, Entertainer - Helping you fight the good fight of faith as you embrace the woman you are created to be!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Debt Retirement

The day that I told God that I was done trying to make money so John would hopefully approve of me, he simply responded, "Finally." It seems like the Lord went to work in me immediately. This ugly monster I had entangled myself with would not be turned loose by any means other than God. I began crying out to him for help. I had no job and a mountain of debt. My monthly payments were is excess of six hundred dollars. I eventually fell behind on my monthly payments, and before long creditors were ringing my phone several times a day. This period in my life became darker each time the phone rang. Then one day, broken before the Lord, I told him he had to help me because I could not make the payments. On that day, he told me he would pay off me debt in a lump sum. I believed him!
Woman Beautiful pg. 162
Matthew 6:33 But, seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.
Jesus - Son of the Living God, Messiah. Thank you, Lord for giving Your absolute best for me.
Happy Thanksgiving - Love and Amazing Blessings, Amanda

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